Mass I—The Psallite Mass: At the Table of the Lord

by The Collegeville Composers Group

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The full mass setting is listed below.
Kyrie (multi-options)
Gloria (English, Spanish, Latin)
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Acclamation (Lent)
Gospel Acclamation (Easter)
Nicene Creed (English, Spanish, Latin)
Apostles' Creed (English, Spanish, Latin)
Sanctus (English, Spanish, Latin)
Mysterium Fidei, Responses A, B, C (English, Spanish, Latin)
Pater Noster (English, Spanish, Latin)
Agnus Dei (English, Spanish, Latin)

The complete Psallite Mass (published as a separate collection) will consist of several additional elements
not included in Lift Up Your Hearts. These additional elements are:
Gospel Acclamation (Advent)
Berakah Prayers (English)
Vidi Aquam/I Saw Water Flowing (English)
Victimae Paschali/ Sequence for Easter (English)
Veni Sancte Spiritus/Sequence for Pentecost (English, Latin)